The Seasonal Soul with Erin Bruce
The Seasonal Soul with Erin Bruce
SUMMER SOLSTICE: How Its Fire Fuels Your Growth & Expansion
This is an incredibly powerful new moon cycle ahead! This week's new moon arrives on the same day as the Summer Solstice, AND it's a solar eclipse. (Falling in the middle of a rare 3 eclipses in a row!) We can already see all the fire this big energy is fueling around the world.
Right now the Sun is at the height of its fierce, fiery energy – and so are you!
In this episode we look at the current seasonal energy, and discuss the meaning & importance of the Summer Solstice. We'll look at how this intense fire energy is supporting you, and fueling you in your life & in your work.
We'll also explore how can you connect with the powerful Summer Solstice Sun, and how can you USE its potent energy to fuel your own growth & expansion.
We'll also discuss simple, meaningful ways you can observe the Summer Solstice.
• Download this month's Sacred Seasons Guidebook filled with rituals, reflections, information & more on the Summer Solstice AND Eclipse Season: